Kamis, 16 Juli 2020

Masker Atomy

Hasil uji masker Atomy  bahwa 99% mampu menghalangi partikel ukuran 0,075 micron masuk melewati masker Atomy. (Note : partikel Virus Covid-19 ukuran 0,125 micron). Partikel Virus Covid-19 ukuran 0,12 Hasil uji masker Atomy menunjukkan bahwa 99% mampu menghalangi partikel ukuran 0,075 micron masuk melewati masker Atomy. (Note : partikel Virus Covid-19 ukuran 0,125 micron). Partikel Virus Covid-19 ukuran 0,125 micron lebih besar dari 0,075 micron  sehingga masker Atomy mampu menghalangi Partikel Virus Covid-19 masuk melewati masuk melewati masker Atomy. 5 micron lebih besar dari 0,075 micron  sehingga masker Atomy mampu menghalangi Partikel Virus Covid-19 masuk melewati masuk melewati masker Atomy.

Video demo perbandingan masker  atomy dengan masker merk lain. 

Video penjelasan masker Atomy. 

Masker Anti Polusi Atomy.

🛡️ Membran Multi Layers PTFE dengan 5 Layers. Masker wajah sekali pakai dengan lapisan tahan air, tidak terasa panas dan sangat lembut saat digunakan.

Efektif Perlindungan efektif terhadap partikel debu halus dengan ukuran pori rata-rata 0,2 mikron.

📍 Filter berteknologi tinggi menawarkan daya tahan yang lebih baik.

Efficiency efisiensi penyaringan 95% untuk partikel mikron 0,075%.

Power Kekuatan yang lebih tinggi berarti perlindungan yang lebih lama:

📍 Desain W-Shape yang baru memberikan kesesuaian yang lebih baik, mengikuti bentuk wajah.

📍 Dirancang dengan mengutamakan kenyamanan pengguna untuk memastikan perlindungan yang lebih lama

🛡️ Terdaftar dengan dua nomor paten:

📍 Masker bentuk-W, Model Utilitas No. M551503.

📍 Desain topeng struktural, model utilitas No M483095

Silakan lihat demo video Atomy Anti Pollution Mask dibandingkan merek lain di situs web www.masker-atomy.blogspot.com

Saya mencari Reseller.

Harga masker Atomy 1 box @30 masker Rp.231.000.

Masker Atomy harga per masker Rp.7.700.

Setiap pertanyaan silakan kirim pesan ke Frengkie WhatsApp +61434265909. Terimakasih

Minggu, 17 Mei 2020

Video Demo Atomy detergent compare to others brands.. English language

The cause of breast cancer suffered by many Indonesian people is caused by the use of chemical detergent attached to the bra and will be a toxin if it reacts with sweat that can enter through the pores of the skin. So dangerous chemical detergents that can cause breast cancer, before it's too late switch to * Liquid Detergent Atomy * the ingredients are natural and environmentally friendly.

Why Atomy liquid laundry detergent so special?
- Clean, transparent natural detergent, residu free.
- Eco-friendly detergent with plant based  surfactant extracted from sugar cane and coconut.
- Clean and transparent without 7 harmful ingredients No zeolite, fluorescent whitening agent, artificial color, preservative, phosphate, chlorine bleaching agent, animal ingredients.
- The MSE2 glanulation method of baking soda and impactsyme eliminates smell and stubborn dirt.
- Atomy liquid fabric detergent natural ingredients and decreases skin irritation.

Dull clothes become bright, economical , fragrant and environmentally friendly.


Amount of clothes 5 kg and Less (low). Standard  amount of use regular washer 25 ml. Drum washer 20 ml.

Amount of clothes 6-9 kg  (middle). Standard  amount of use regular washer 35 ml. Drum washer 30 ml.

Amount of clothes 10 kg and over (high). Standard  amount of use regular washer 40 ml. Drum washer 35 ml.

Atomy liquid  laundry detergent 1 bottle@
2 kg $30 AUD.

Any questions and order please send message to Frengkie WhatsApp +61434265909. Thanks you.

This picture. Left bottle. Water  inside bottle is clean transparent. No residue. Washing with Atomy detergent.
Right bottle. Water inside bottle not clean transparent. Have residu. Washing with other brand.

Why Atomy liquid laundry detergent so special?
- Clean, transparent natural detergent, residu free.
- Eco-friendly detergent with plant based  surfactant extracted from sugar cane and coconut.
- Clean and transparent without 7 harmful ingredients No zeolite, fluorescent whitening agent, artificial color, preservative, phosphate, chlorine bleaching agent, animal ingredients.
- The MSE2 glanulation method of baking soda and impactsyme eliminates smell and stubborn dirt.
- Atomy liquid fabric detergent natural ingredients and decreases skin irritation.

  • This picture. Atomy detergent. Dull clothes become bright, economical , fragrant and environmentally friendly.

Any questions and order please send message to Frengkie WhatsApp +61434265909. Thanks you

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2020

Atomy detergent product information

Video in English language.

Why Atomy liquid laundry detergent so special?
- Clean, transparent natural detergent, residu free.
- Eco-friendly detergent with plant based  surfactant extracted from sugar cane and coconut.
- Clean and transparent without 7 harmful ingredients No zeolite, fluorescent whitening agent, artificial color, preservative, phosphate, chlorine bleaching agent, animal ingredients.
- The MSE2 glanulation method of baking soda and impactsyme eliminates smell and stubborn dirt.
- Atomy liquid fabric detergent natural ingredients and decreases skin irritation.

This  picture. Atomy detergent. Dull clothes become bright, economical , fragrant and environmentally friendly.

This picture. Left bottle. Water  inside bottle is clean transparent. No residue. Washing with Atomy detergent.
Right bottle. Water inside bottle not clean transparent. Have residu. Washing with other brand.

Any question and order please send message to Frengkie WhatsApp +61434265909. Thanks you

Video Demo Atomy detergent compare to others brands. Chinese language

Video in Chinese language.

Any questions and order please send message to Frengkie WhatsApp +61434265909
 Thanks you